BGMI 120 FPS Config File (100% Working)

Welcome to the Best Website of BGMI 120 Config File – your ultimate solution for enhancing your Gaming experience in BGMI. Get the BGMI 120 FPS Config File now from this site and experience gameplay like never before.

Are You Looking For a BGMI 120 Config File on Google?

If yes, you’ve come to the best website available right now. We will share a 100% working and secure config file on this website. that you can use to take your gameplay to the next level.

So let’s get started.

What is BGMI?

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), formerly known as PUBG Mobile India, is a version of PUBG Mobile, exclusively available in India. Developed and published by Krafton, BGMI is an online multiplayer battle royale game. In BGMI, up to 100 players compete in Battle Royale, a large-scale last-man-standing deathmatch where players attempt to be the last man standing.

What is FPS?

FPS means frames per second. This measures how many images (or frames) your screen displays per second. Think of it as a flipbook; The more pages (or frames) you turn faster, the smoother the animation will look.

FPS, or Frames Per Second, is very important in BGMI for a smooth and competitive gameplay experience. Here’s why:

  • Smoothness and responsiveness: Higher FPS means a smoother and more responsive game. This means the graphics will appear to transition more fluidly, and your controls will feel more precise. This is crucial in BGMI where quick reactions and precise aiming are essential to win.
  • Low input lag: FPS is linked to input lag, the delay between your actions and what you see on the screen. Low FPS can lead to high input lag, making your controls feel sluggish and unresponsive. With higher FPS, your actions will appear on the screen more immediately, giving you an edge over the competition.
  • Increased visual clarity: BGMI with higher FPS can provide clearer and more detailed visuals. This can be helpful for spotting enemies at a distance or noticing subtle changes in the environment.

Importance of FPS in BGMI

In BGMI, higher FPS can be a game-changer. It reduces lag, increases response time, and makes your movements more precise. In a competitive game like BGMI, every millisecond counts.

Why is 120 fps better?

You might be asking, “Why should I care about 120 fps?” Well, higher FPS means smoother gameplay, faster responses, and an overall better gaming experience. Imagine playing a game where every move feels intuitive and every action is instant. That’s what 120 fps offers.

BGMI 120 FPS Config File (100% Working)

Understanding config files

Config files are like instruction manuals for your game. They tell the game how to behave, including graphics settings, controls, and more. By making changes to these files, you can increase the performance of your game.

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • A high-end smartphone that supports 90Hz refresh rate.
  • The latest version of BGMI is installed.
  • A reliable file manager app like (ZARCHEIVER).

Benefits of high FPS in BGMI

Playing BGMI at 120 fps offers several benefits:

  1. Smoother Gameplay: Actions and movements feel more fluid.
  2. Faster Responses: Higher FPS can improve your reaction time.
  3. Better visuals: Enhanced graphics and details.
  4. Competitive Edge: Gives you an advantage over players with lower FPS.

BGMI 120 FPS config file

Config File120 FPS Config File
VersionLatest Update 3.2
Safe100% Safe

How to Apply the 120 FPS Config File

  1. Download the Config File: Start by downloading the config file from the provided download button.
  2. Install ZArchiver: Head over to the Google Play Store and download the ZArchiver app. This app will be used to extract the config file.
  3. Extract the Config File: Open the ZArchiver app, navigate to the downloaded ZIP file, and extract its contents.
  4. Copy the Config File: After extracting the file, copy it to the following directory: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/Game Folder/files
  5. Clear Background Apps: Once the file is in the correct location, clear all background apps running on your device.
  6. Launch the Game: Finally, open the game, and the 120 FPS config file should now be applied.

Note: Ensure that you follow each step precisely for the config file to work correctly. Any deviation from the instructions may lead to an unsuccessful application of the config file.

Verifying the Installation

After installing the configuration file, you need to check whether it is working or not:

  • Check FPS: Use in-game settings or third-party apps like FPS meter to see if FPS has increased.
  • Measure FPS: Tools like GameBench can give you detailed FPS readings.

Possible Issues and Solutions

Sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. Here are some common problems and solutions:

  • Game Crash: Make sure the configuration file is compatible with your BGMI version. Re-download from a trusted source if necessary.
  • No change in FPS: Double check the file path and make sure the configuration file is placed correctly.
  • Lagging: Make sure your device can handle 120 FPS. If it overheats or becomes slow, lower the settings.


In this article, I have shared BGMI 3.2 120 FPS Config File With You. I hope you have liked it Please do share it with your friends and follow our blog for more. Happy gaming!

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